About Us
Supporting You Through The 'NEXTS' In Your Recovery Journey
Next Recovery's
Grievance Policy
Next Recovery residents have the right to file a written grievance with Next Recovery LLC if they have a legitimate issue:
If the grievance is with another resident in the house, the grievance must be in writing and given to the head of the house.
If the grievance is with the head of the house, the grievance must be written and given to the owner.
All grievances will receive a telephoned and written response within 24 hours upon delivery to the appropriate staff member.
When Next Recovery has received the grievance, it will be handled by either the house manager or the owner, depending on the severity and level of the grievance.
If the resident feels that his/her rights have been violated after exhausting all measures of the grievance policy, they can:
- Call the Florida Association of Recovery Residences at 561-299-0405